Monday, 28 May 2012

Time for movie

"Xiao cai feng" it is an original title of movie "Balzak i mała Chinka" (in Poland), "Balzac E a Costureirinha Chinesa" (in Brazil) or "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress" (in USA). It is this kind of film, which inspire you to read books. Lyrical film about the impact of reading books on human life. Balzac's book prohibited in China in the eighties of the 20th century show the Little Chinese role woman in France at the time of Balzac. Even love can't keep her in the village in the mountain. But this film (was made following the book) is not only love. It shows live two youths who was sent for a Maoist "re-education" in the mountains and  fall in love with the village tailor's granddaughter. It is a story about their friendship in those days. In the background you can hear Mozart music and beautiful landscape, so different from mine. For me it is amazing movie.
The first was the book, but I didn't find it yet :(

If you wish you can watch movie trailer on YouTube.
I recommend it!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Time for hotel

Summer is coming, it's mean we have to think about accommodation on holiday :) I am not sure if Hotel Pekin (Hotel Beijing?) really exist. Maybe it was created only for writing book by Santiago Gamboa.
In this hotel stay two men. We get to know them in plane during their travel to China. One of them is journalist from U.S., who want to find unusual story about ordinary people. The second is American (born in Columbia) who has Polish name - Michalski (I don't know why!) He come to Beijing to teach Chinese businessmen western way of making business. He is arrogant and conceited. One of his students is Li Qiang, manager of very big IT company. Finally American and Chinese are friends. We can see how they change their point of view of different nation and culture.
Two sentence which I remember from this book, were said by Li Qiang: "Laughter Chinese is rarely results from an amusement" and "In China exist the cult of self-sufficiency". It is really Chinese point of view or maybe only writer opinion?